Tag: friendfeed

  • To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required (or, Scoble Syndrome)

    To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required (or, Scoble Syndrome)

    Photo by Eric Skiff Here we go again. Another day in the life of an ongoing saga between megalomaniac Robert Scoble and myself. In this chapter of this saga, I point out why I have figured out the key thing that he has repeatedly not learned… to whom much is given, much is required. It…

  • FriendFeed is now In a Relationship with Facebook

    In a move that surprised many in the tech world, Facebook and FriendFeed today announced that FriendFeed has been acquired by Facebook. This announcement came as a surprise to those who see FriendFeed as an annoying, yet open approach to the web whereas Facebook has a history of being a walled garden, often only opening…

  • The [Non] Value of Friendfeed

    Over the past year or so, I’ve fiddled around on Friendfeed. Sometimes actively, sometimes passively. The notion of aggregating all social content into a single place is an enticing value add to anyone who spends time on multiple services across the internet. As I’ve thought about the value of Friendfeed and it’s potential to be…

  • Facebook Shows New Life and Value

    A few months ago, we started to see a shift in how Facebook could potentially be used in a different way. Newsfeed commenting was heralded as a Friendfeed style approach. Initially buried in the original Facebook design, I sort of shrugged it off as just another me too approach that wouldn’t take. Boy was I…

  • Young TechStars Become Grizzled TechVeterans

    I’m not usually one to cover breaking news, but this demands it. Not so much because Boulder-based SocialThing is a great company or that they are a particularly good example of a great company acquired by an even greater company. Frankly, it’s neither. But it deserves a huge congratulations nonetheless. TechStars, a YCombinator-style early incubation…

  • What's Your Legacy?

    Back in December, the blogging world was struck dumb when Marc Orchant passed away suddenly due to a heart attack. I don’t want to rehash all the details as you can find them elsewhere. Sufficed to say, many tears were shed over his passing. Time heals all wounds, right? No, not quite. Today, GigaOm announced…

  • Cloud Computing Does Not Spell the End for Common Sense I.T. Management

    Sometimes I think I might be the only one who retains commons sense. Really. At least in the area of I.T. Management. Though we had our share of growing pains at b5media, the knowledge gained from working in an enterprise environment at Northrop Grumman was only accentuated by my tenure as the Director of Technology…

  • Identi.ca and the Art of the Launch

    Ask any startup. The most difficult decision leading up to a public release is when and what? Some might argue that getting funding is the most difficult but a good startup avoids funding until later, if at all. Others might argue that the difficult part is getting the right mix of people and hitting milestones.…

  • The Mind of Dave Winer

    Dave Winer has a bad reputation. He’s got a reputation for challenging anyone who disagrees with him. He’s got a reputation for blocking people by default on Twitter. Yeah. It’s the rule, not the exception. See, blocking on Twitter is an acceptable action. I’ve blocked people that are so troll-like, I can’t deal with them.…