Category: Aaron Brazell

  • Congress Moves to Rein in Illegal Wiretaps

    The JUSTICE Act, short for the Judicious Use of Surveillance Tools in Counterterrorism Efforts Act, was brought to my attention today. The JUSTICE Act seeks to put constraints on the Bush-era USA Patriot Act and FISA Act Amendment which drove national security efforts here at home post-9/11. In the past, I have been a very…

  • The Washington Redskins Crowd-sourcing Their Games

    A week before the start of the NFL 2009 season, Cincinnati Bengals Wide Reciever-turned-parttime-kicker, Chad Ochocino, tweeted to his fans that he was going to delete his Twitter account due to strict NFL rules. Of course he didn’t, and Ochocinco, always a showman, used it to deliver more buzz around his ego. However, the NFL…

  • Ethical Questions over

    It’s been no secret since the Obama administration took office, that a key technological interest for the administrations tech policy would involve Cloud-based, Software as a Service (SaaS) initiatives. To that end, contractors and providers have been jockeying to provide cloud service to the federal government. One of these contractors, notable for their size and…

  • Government as a Platform?

    Data, data, data. This is the answer for government in this new world of Government 2.0. Making government available to the citizens by building platforms for change. These are the ideas bandied around when the Silicon Valley Warlords came to Washington, D.C. this week to put on the invitation only Gov 2.0 Summit and teach…

  • WordPress Security and How I’m Going to Take All Your Money

    WordPress Security and How I’m Going to Take All Your Money

    So, it’s happened again. Another vulnerability discovered in WordPress that is now becoming the raging topic around the blogosphere. Is WordPress insecure? Should people move to another platform? If we stomp our feet loud and enough and whine enough, then we can make WordPress look like a ridiculous piece of software that only amateurs should…

  • The BASIC Cloud Framework API

    Last night, I spent the evening with a bunch of PHP developers in DC. This informal gathering in the DC-PHP community is a regular occurrence known as the DC PHP Beverage Subgroup – Virginia Chapter. There is also a DC-chapter that meets once a month as well. These two informal gatherings are for the sole…

  • WordPress Bible Book Tour

    From the moment I announced that I would be writing the WordPress Bible, friends and fans all over the world have been asking me to come to their city to do an event. Clearly, I would love to do such a thing, but without tremendous support it is not in the cards. However, more recently,…

  • Crime Statistics in DC

    After the news today that acquired EveryBlock, a service that tracks local news in 12 different cities and organizes news, reviews, and other localized data into searchable locales (zip codes, neighborhoods, etc), I decided to poke around a bit. One of the areas that EveryBlock tracks is crime statistics and Washington, DC is one…

  • FriendFeed is now In a Relationship with Facebook

    In a move that surprised many in the tech world, Facebook and FriendFeed today announced that FriendFeed has been acquired by Facebook. This announcement came as a surprise to those who see FriendFeed as an annoying, yet open approach to the web whereas Facebook has a history of being a walled garden, often only opening…

  • Bring Different Innovation to Washington

    A few weeks ago, I received a call from my friend Robert Neelbauer at about 11 pm. He wanted to talk about innovation and technology startups in DC. For those who live around here, you know there’s not a lot of them. Mostly project-type things that entrepreneurs who work day jobs have cooking. And of…