Tag: tutorial

  • Adding a Time Start to WordPress Media Embeds

    Adding a Time Start to WordPress Media Embeds

    Ever have those times that you’d like to share a piece of media but have it start at a particular time? I did recently, and figured I’d share my solution. It turns out, WordPress does not support this feature out of the box (though you could argue, theoretically, that it should).

  • TUTORIAL: Adding an oEmbed Provider to WordPress

    I don’t often write tutorials. I probably should. But normally it’s only when someone asks me something and I think, “Hey, self… you should write up how to do this”. As if a book wasn’t enough. Last night I was at the Austin Web Holiday party, a gathering of some 15+ technical meetup groups cross-pollinating…

  • TUTORIAL: Using Sass and Compass for managing CSS in WordPress

    TUTORIAL: Using Sass and Compass for managing CSS in WordPress

    I don’t often write tutorials but since the rebuild of the WP Engine website some months ago, I have been turned on to the use of a brilliant combination of tools made for development in a Ruby on Rails environment. That doesn’t mean we can’t make it work for WordPress too. The tools are Compass…