Tag: strategy

  • Doers & Talkers: Cultivating Innovation

    Doers & Talkers: Cultivating Innovation

    A few years ago, I wrote a post called Doers and Talkers where I profiled two types of people in the technology space: Those who have ideas and are visionaries (or talkers) and those who implement those ideas on behalf of others (the doers). I looked back at that post and realized that, while correct,…

  • Doing the Most Good Means Smart Economics

    There’s an old saying that goes something along the lines of, “When life gets good, throw a party” and that seems to be a mentality that translates to business today. Mainly the web business, if we’re talking about literal parties. No good web conference, un-conference or social-media laden city goes without parties of some sort.…

  • La Batalla es Digital

    Parte 1 del desarrollo de los puntos del artículo “5 Cambios que Todo Ejecutivo de Medios Debe Hacer” 1. La Batalla es Digital La diferencia más importante entre la distribución tradicional de contenido (televisión, radio, cable, cine, impresos) y la distribución digital es que ya no vendemos contenido, ahora vendemos una experiencia. Y no me…