Tag: News

  • The Top 50 Stories Since the Invasion of Iraq

    The Top 50 Stories Since the Invasion of Iraq

    War is over, if you want it. ~John Lennon This is a time of year, as we draw 2011 to a close and embark on 2012, to reminisce about the events of the last year. It’s a tradition followed by journalists, bloggers, and opinionistas alike. But since today marks the day where the War in…

  • FriendFeed is now In a Relationship with Facebook

    In a move that surprised many in the tech world, Facebook and FriendFeed today announced that FriendFeed has been acquired by Facebook. This announcement came as a surprise to those who see FriendFeed as an annoying, yet open approach to the web whereas Facebook has a history of being a walled garden, often only opening…

  • Steve McNair and the Failure of Breaking News Reporting

    It’s a late Fourth of July afternoon here in Bethesda, Maryland and I am sitting here working on a chapter in the new book. Peacefully minding my own business while the steady stream of chips from Tweetdeck occurred, I did not realize what was happening. Steve McNair died. Putting aside the tragedy (he was a…

  • My Remarks to Congressional Staffers Today

    I’ve been invited to speak to two groups of Congressional staffers today. In about 30 mins, I’ll speak to Republican staffers at the Capitol Hill Club. Later today, at 1:30, I’ll be speaking to the Democrats in their Capitol Building office. The topic is Blogging, microblogging and social media and the event is hosted by…

  • Confirmed: Livingston Communications Acquired by Social Media Group

    There’s been a few rumors floating around the past few days and over the weekend. We can confirm that Livingston Communications, a boutique social PR firm based in the DC-area and owned by Geoff Livingston (also my cohost on The District of Corruption), has been acquired by Toronto-based Social Media Group headed by rockstar CEO…

  • Siguiendo la F1 (y otras noticias) con Twitter

    Esta mañana fue el Gran Premio de Barcelona de la Formula 1 y qué mejor manera de seguirlo que a través de Twitter y la TV. Twitter (una red social que permite compartir mensajes de texto rápida y públicamente) es la herramienta perfecta para seguir eventos en vivo y enterarse de los últimos acontecimientos. Con…

  • Qué Pasa con Latinoamérica y los RSS

    Parece que aquel viejo dicho de “La información quiere ser libre” no aplica en Latinoamérica. Un breve estudio de medios latinoamericanos con presencia en Internet parece indicar que la gran mayoría todavía no adopta un modelo de distribución abierto. Preparando el website inicial de NotiLat.com visité 115 websites de medios latinoamericanos en Argentina, Chile, Colombia…

  • 5 Observaciones Sobre el Estado de los Medios Digitales

    Esta fue la introducción de un reporte que escribí hace un año, después de asistir a la conferencia Forbes MEET. Me pareció que seguía tan vigente, que decidí compartirlo con mis lectores. 1. Se agotó la escasez: los sistemas de distribución de contenido se han democratizado. Los medios tradicionales, como únicos distribuidores de contenido, manejaban…