Tag: economy

  • 5 Things I Learned from Nuclear Winter

    Nuclear Winter. It’s the time period after a holocaust that can last for hundreds of years, making the surrounding landscape around ground zero uninhabitable due to radiation. It is the death of life and the birth of a new holocaustic life. We’ve never actually had an actual nuclear winter on a global scale, though the…

  • Gary Vaynerchuck Challenges the Current Marketing Mindset in a Down Economy

    Tremendous insight from Gary Vaynerchuk of WineLibrary.TV. This man may be the most brilliant marketing mind of our time. I’m pleased to call him a friend. Early apologies for some of Gary’s language as he is obviously passionate and fired up. Don’t let the language scare you away His message is very important. Thanks also…

  • Non-Competes in a Down Economy

    I keep inching and inching into the beat of my colleague, Ray Capece of Venture Files, but I think it’s pretty important and weighty times for web professionals and small business owners alike. Unlike anytime in our history, the uncertainty of the future of our world and country are great. Everyone is speculating about what…

  • Hints at an $800 Apple laptop, Bloggers Report, Stock up 4 points

    It was quite interesting to watch the market swing yesterday. Apple (AAPL) took a 20% hit on the market last week when it was expected that consumer spending on “bling” would be reduced. “Bling” stocks like Apple, Starbucks (SBUX) and other companies representing consumers “living the life” mentalities tanked with futures projections. And then yesterday…

  • It's the Economy, Stupid

    Wow, so two weeks ago I wanted to write about technology and business. And I still do (and will). However, there comes a time when an adjustment needs to be made, and for me that time is now. The economy is in the tank with no end in site. Asian markets dropped 9% overnight and…

  • Don’t Quit that Job Just Yet

    Don’t Quit that Job Just Yet

    The economy has everyone shaky, even those in the web space who have been largely unaffected, so far, by the ups and downs in the market. The Web market is largely filled by companies who have, at best, private equity via venture capital or angel funding, or they simply are bootstrapping and don’t have any…

  • Sucks to be a Blog Network These Days

    Having come from the blog network space, I have a mostly unique understanding of the difficulties encountered when running a content business. There is always a war between traffic and community, profitability and loss, long term projections and short term realities. It’s not an easy business. It’s even more challenging when you’re a blog network.…

  • East India Wall Street

    The company was booming. It was harvesting tea from Asia and selling throughout the empire. Times were good and tycoons were fat and wealthy. Times couldn’t be better as the government subsidized East India Company collected record profits from the subjects throughout the British Empire. In Parliament, and with an economic need for further subsidization…

  • $56B is a Much More Reasonable Number

    The way I figure it, a body with an 8% approval rating should get about 8% of what they are asking for. That would be $56B. These guys cannot be trusted to make a $700B decision with no hearings and no explorations when they created the problem through a complicit wink-wink-nudge-nudge economic policy over the…

  • Not Everything is Quite as Important as You're Making it Out to Be

    If our lives only involved this world of technology, then life would be a much better place. If life was as simple as simply going to Google and clicking “I feel lucky”, then we might not have the heartache that is in the world and the social media space could just get along by whispering…