Tag: data-portability

  • 9 Years of Blogging: Lessons from the Trenches

    It is May 20 today and that means two things. First, it’s the 5 year birthday of this handsome boy. Without a doubt, his day will be filled with belly rubs and snacks… as it should be. But secondly, this is my 9th anniversary of blogging. It’s also the 9th anniversary of me installing WordPress…

  • GNIP Spells a Whole New World for Data APIs

    Allow me to get nerdy. It has been a long time since I got downright giddy about something developer-oriented. Lots of new APIs are coming out all the time and I usually take a once over look at them to determine if there is something cool there. A lot of time there are cool things…

  • I Own My Data, Dammit

    Micah had a very encouraging article last night about two commenting social networks, Disqus and Intense Debate. It was all about listening to your customer base and making trajectory adjustments as needed to ensure you’re meeting real needs, instead of just assuming your business model has everything mapped out for you and you know exactly…

  • Portabilidad de Datos: Ilusión o Realidad

    El Data Portability Workgroup (o Grupo de Trabajo sobre Portabilidad de Datos) fue creado por un grupo de profesionales de Internet para intentar definir unas reglas que permitan a cada usuario tener mayor control sobre sus datos personales y mayor libertad de transportar y utilizar esos datos. El problema actual es que nuestro mapa social…